*1:"Climate Change 2022-Mitigation of Climate Change" IPCC WG3(2022)
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*3:"Are younger generations higher carbon emitters than their elders?" L.Chancel (2014)
*4:"Men Shape a Downward Trend in Car Use among Young Adults-Evidence from Six Industrialized Countries" T. Kuhnimhof J. Armoogum R. Buehler J. Dargay J. M. Denstadli T. Yamamoto(2012)
*5:"Age-structure,urbanization,and climate change in developed countries: Revisiting STIRPAT for disaggregated population and consumption-related environmental impacts." B.Liddle S.Lung(2010)
*6:"Future scenarios for energy consumption and carbon emissions due to demographic transitions in Chinese households." B.Yu Y.M.Wei K.Gomi Y.Matsuoka (2018)
*7:Our World in Data(英国オックスフォード大学の研究者らが運営するデータベース)による。
*8:"Household carbon Inequality in the U.S." F.Kuishuang H.Klaus S.Kaihui(2021)
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*10:"Who emits most? Associations between socio-economic factors and UK households’home energy, transport, indirect and total CO2 emissions." M.Buchs S.V. Schnepf(2013)
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*13:"Motivating Society-wide Pro-environmental Change" T.Bouman L.Steg (2019)にある以下の主張。
"We are facing environmental crises, but pro-environmental action is seriously lagging behind. Contrary to popular beliefs, we argue that this is not caused by people undervaluing the environment but rather by people structurally underestimating how much others care."
*14:"Going Green to Be Seen: Status, Reputation, and Conspicuous Conservation" V.Griskevicius J.M.Tybur B.Van den Bergh(2010)
*15:"Income inequality and willingness to pay for environmental public goods." S.Baumgartner M.A.Drupp J.N.Meya J.M.Munz M.F.Quaas(2017)