Members of Ukraine's Territorial Defense Forces, reserve units of the Armed Forces, train in a park in Kyiv, Ukraine on January 22nd, 2022. (Photo: AP/Efrem)

(※)本稿はJBpressの記事「ロシアのウクライナ侵攻に備えよ! 日本が今すぐすべきこと」 を英語に翻訳したものです。

(Kuon Amata: Novelist, military critic, former senior officer of the Japan Self-Defense Forces)

 With Russia concentrating its military power around Ukraine, it is said that an invasion could start at any moment. The United States and various countries in Europe have responded by stepping up their efforts to discourage Russia from invading.

 Despite this situation, the Japanese government has continued to negotiate a peace treaty with Russia.

 If Japan maintains its current stance while other countries work to prevent an invasion, Japan will likely be condemned by the West if Russia launches an attack (or even if it does not).

 The situation is reminiscent of the 1991 Gulf War, when Japan was criticized for contributing money but not manpower.

 In the future, if China invades Taiwan or North Korea launches some kind of military action, it is highly possible that Japan will be affected. Is there any country that would come to Japan's aid if we continue to turn a blind eye to Russia's invasion of Ukraine? It does not seem likely.

 The mass media of Japan in the Far East views Russia's invasion of Eastern Europe as something happening in a far-off land and has not reported on it with much interest. However, if the situation continues, Japan could suffer serious diplomatic damage.

 Below, I would like to consider what Japan can and should do in response to a military invasion by Russia, from the perspective of a former Self-Defense Forces officer.