
 FOMCはこのほか、すでに実施している政府支援法人(GSE)保証の不動産担保証券(MBS)買い入れ規模を従来の最大5000億ドルから最大1兆2500億ドルに7500億ドル上積み、GSE債の買い入れ規模を最大2000億ドルに倍増するといった措置を決定した。また、年0~0.25%のFFレート誘導水準に付加されている「緩やかな時間軸」の表現を、前回までの「しばらくの間(for some time)」から、「より長い期間(for an extended period)」へと、声明文上で強化した。



Information received since the Committee met in December suggests that the economy has weakened further. Industrial production, housing starts, and employment have continued to decline steeply, as consumers and businesses have cut back spending. Furthermore, global demand appears to be slowing significantly. Conditions in some financial markets have improved, in part reflecting government efforts to provide liquidity and strengthen financial institutions; nevertheless, credit conditions for households and firms remain extremely tight. The Committee anticipates that a gradual recovery in economic activity will begin later this year, but the downside risks to that outlook are significant.


Information received since the Federal Open Market Committee met in January indicates that the economy continues to contract. Job losses, declining equity and housing wealth, and tight credit conditions have weighed on consumer sentiment and spending. Weaker sales prospects and difficulties in obtaining credit have led businesses to cut back on inventories and fixed investment. U.S. exports have slumped as a number of major trading partners have also fallen into recession. Although the near-term economic outlook is weak, the Committee anticipates that policy actions to stabilize financial markets and institutions, together with fiscal and monetary stimulus, will contribute to a gradual resumption of sustainable economic growth.
